Here in the Pacific Northwest, winter held on deep into spring. When the weather changed, it did so quickly - from 40 degree daytime highs to 88. This has finally triggered the wildflowers and flowers found at various farms.
I purchased a season pass to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Oregon. Sunrise is always my favorite time to be outside, so I went for a few sunrises. If you are interested in going next year, I recommend this time of day. The sun rises over or near Mount Hood, depending on the month the flower bloom is peaking. Find an area near the parking lot, further east you walk, you will lose sight of Mount Hood.
I approach the creation of my images from two general starting points - do I want tonal contrast, or balance? Below is an image where I tried to balance the purple/blue tulips with the bluish-purple of the cloudless sky. I think this creates a softness, a balance.

For the image below, I wanted to accentuate a little more contrast and drama into the image, so I kept the sky bold and red with sunrise light, while highlighting to cooler looking shadows and green stems.

There are so many flowers and colors to enjoy, I recommend just walking around and photographing many. Even on cloudy days when Mount Hood is not visible, there are still acres of flowers to enjoy and photograph. And flat light from overcast days is great to photograph flowers.

While the tulips may be nearing the end of their season, the wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest are only just beginning. Get outside and find some. Maybe ill see you out there.